T. C. Boyle

T.C. Boyle Stories II

The Collected Stories of T. Coraghessan Boyle, Volume II. 1. Auflage. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 350 Seiten
ISBN 1408844583
EAN 9781408844588
Veröffentlicht November 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK
26,49 inkl. MwSt.
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A man falls from a roof whilst spying on his beautiful widowed neighbour. A newly married couple seeking enlightenment take a three year vow of silence and move to a yurt in the Arizona desert. A handsome young man works in real-estate by day, but has a far more sinister profession by night. An elderly woman is determined to return to her home in the countryside, despite the knowledge that in doing so she may be signing her own death warrant. Giant men are kept in cages to ensure their nightly service to their country. A man develops an unhealthy interest in his recently deceased reclusive rock-star neighbour. And on Christmas day at the San Francisco Zoo a terrible and tragic event occurs...
T.C. Boyle Stories II comprises three later volumes of short fiction - After the Plague, Tooth and Claw and Wild Child - along with a new collection, A Death in Kitchawank. These fifty-eight stories explore the mundane, the devastating, the figurative and the implausible in a masterful and enthralling collection. T.C. Boyle is a writer at the height of his craft.


T. C. Boyle is the New York Times bestselling author of ten collections of stories and fourteen novels, most recently, San Miguel, followed by the second volume of his collected stories, T. C. Boyle Stories II. His work has been translated into twenty-five languages and won a PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction. He is a member of the Academy of Arts and Letters and lives in California.

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