T. D. Jakes

INSTINCT for Graduates

The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive and Face Your Unlimited Future. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1455534099
EAN 9781455534098
Veröffentlicht April 2015
Verlag/Hersteller FaithWords
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Learn how your relationship with God will lead you to untold success in this gift book for graduates based on Instinct, T. D. Jakes' #1 New York Times bestseller.
Graduation is an exciting accomplishment -- and with God as your guiding light, you'll be able to find incredible opportunities and tap into the hidden potential of your future. With this faith-based guide, you'll learn how to:
Create a plan with clear direction for your life that makes the most of your potentialMake new friends, and maintain (or let go of) old relationshipsChoose and live with roommatesForm an adult relationship with your parents -- cut the cord, without tearing the relationshipManage your finances and debtHunt for the right jobs, interview successfully, and begin an outstanding careerNavigate the ins and outs of dating, relating, and getting married
Equipped with the wisdom of Instinct, this book will help you discover your greatest gifts, succeed in every opportunity, and stride confidently into the future.


T. D. Jakes is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than forty books and is the CEO of TDJ Enterprises, LLP. His television ministry program, The Potter's Touch, is watched by 3.3 million viewers every week. He has produced Grammy Award-winning music as well as hit films such as Heaven Is For Real, Miracles from Heaven, and Jumping the Broom. A master communicator, he hosts MegaFest, Woman Thou Art Loosed, and other conferences attended by tens of thousands. He lives in Dallas, Texas.

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