Tang Yile

The Pre-Med Journal

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215111345
Veröffentlicht März 2023
Verlag/Hersteller TANG YILE
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"The Pre-Medical Journal" is a must-have resource for pre-medical students who want to excel in their journey toward medical school. Written by a medical student, this book is a compilation of topics that cover all aspects of the pre-medical journey.
The book offers practical advice on effective study techniques, such as Bloom's Taxonomy, active recall, spaced repetition, and prioritizing high-yield content. It also provides tips on making notes and a comprehensive exam guide to help students prepare. In addition, "The Pre-Medical Journal" provides insights into the mindset required to survive med school and encourages readers to ask themselves, "Why medicine?". It addresses pre-medical students' anxieties and concerns, providing a candid account of what it's like to be a first-year medical student.
The book also motivates students and provides medical interview tips for those who have successfully made it to the next stage. It includes wisdom from senior students and the author's experiences in four medical interviews.
Overall, "The Pre-Medical Journal" is an essential resource for anyone looking to excel in their journey toward medical school. It provides a comprehensive overview of the pre-medical journey, offers practical advice, and shares candid insights to help students prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

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