Teddy Sabutey

The Black Shadow - Revised

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
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Veröffentlicht Februar 2022
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By the Grace of Yahweh (God) since the death of his only begotten son, Yesuah (Yesu Christo), once every 700 years, a child is born to save humanity from the hidden dangers of the evil one, and at the same time, reveal God's nature of Grace to humankind.
So, providence befell on the Attah-Keshei family of Ada in Ghana, a West African country, when a son Kofi Attah-Keshei, was born.
He became an American citizen and then a member of the elite unit of the Security Network of the USA simply known as the A13 (Angel 13 Unit). A13 has a regular membership of thirteen people at any given time, with powers equal, and under certain conditions, even greater than the President of the US.
Kofi, nicknamed 'The Black Shadow,' was tasked to unravel high-level assassinations, which had become an albatross around on the neck of the US government both in the United States and across the world.
'The Black Shadow' was recalled back to the United States from a foreign mission. He was charged to trace and eliminate the most wanted man on the US criminal list of assassins, "The Saint" and help find the killers of the last known male heir of the most celebrated family in the US`s history, the Blackwell family and protect Helena Blackwell, the `only` surviving heir left. It turned out "The Saint" was the Vice President of the US.


Teddy Sabutey works, in the film and television industry as freelance personnel, via on-the-job training since 1983, with many local and foreign production outfits: Paramount Pictures; BBC; CNN; CBS; Afripique production; Box office; and currently as a producer and one of the company Directors of ASB Production Limited.
Teddy had the opportunity to participate in a couple of capacity building workshops: including one organized by Script-net UK and sponsored by Bournemouth University titled "Producers Workshop" in 2004; he has also taken part in Michael Hewitt-Gleeson`s School of Thinking–2008, an online course, as well as The Institute of Professional Investigator`s course; from 2011 to 2012, which help in building his capacity in the Film and Television industry.
He has to his credits a second book (textbook) titled `Handbook of Film Production Management for Beginners and Practicing Production Managers, in the film and television industry: https://books2read.com/u/bzZjaq

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