Terry Minahan

The Adventures of Thadeus Burke Vol 1

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 145 Seiten
ISBN 1907759786
EAN 9781907759789
Veröffentlicht August 2012
Verlag/Hersteller M-Y Books ltd
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,59 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Meet the Honourable Thadeus Burke, son of a lord launching his career running an insurance business at Lloyd's of London. Yet, if Thadeus Burke hoped to find security and a quiet life there, he could not have been more mistaken. For where the stakes are high the cunning is low. The underworld finds its way into underwriting, and Thadeus finds himself drawn into the riddles and rewards of fighting crime. Mystery by mystery Thadeus, his irrepressible sister Freddie and the CID's Inspector Jackson follow cases from the world of horse racing to the world of jazz, from the early days of British fascism to the latest jinks in the lesbian demimonde, from arsenic in stately homes to shootouts in abandoned aerodromes. Written with an eye for historical detail and an understanding of hoods and horseflesh, The Adventures of Thadeus Burke carries the reader into the heart of life in Britain's last elegant decade, the nineteentwenties.


Terry Minahan lived from an early age in London then for the last twenty years has lived with his wife Lydia in Newmarket; this has suited his work with bloodstock insurance and her work as an artist. He left school at sixteen years of age and went straight to a firm of Lloyds' Brokers, starting in accounts then spent many years wandering around the Underwriting Room as a broker, gathering friends and enemies in consideration of a modest monetary reward. Always an avid reader of detective fiction along with a love of Shakespeare and Plato; he has recently expanded his interests beyond listening to classic and baroque music to the study of music theory and attempts at playing the clarinet do not expect to hear a public performance, but look out for the next instalment of the adventures of Thadeus Burke which is progressing well.

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