Terry Pratchett

Interesting Times

(Discworld Novel 17). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1407034960
EAN 9781407034966
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2008
Verlag/Hersteller Transworld Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'There is a curse. They say: may you live in interesting times . . .'
This is the worst thing you can wish on a citizen of Discworld. Especially for the magically challenged Rincewind, who has already had far too much excitement in his life.
Unfortunately, the unlucky wizard always seems to end up in the middle of, well, absolutely everything. So when a request for a 'Great Wizzard' arrives from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it's obviously Rincewind who's sent. For one thing, he's the only one who spells wizard that way.
Once again Rincewind is thrown headfirst into a dangerous adventure. For the oldest empire on the Disc is in turmoil and Chaos is building. And, for some reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a vital role in the coming war . . .
'Pratchett is a comic genius' Daily Express
'Funny, delightfully inventive, and refuses to lie down in its genre' Observer
Interesting Times is the fifth book in the Wizards series, but you can read the Discworld novels in any order.


Terry Pratchett was the acclaimed creator of the global bestselling Discworld series, the first of which, The Colour of Magic, was published in 1983. In all, he was the author of over fifty bestselling books which have sold over 100 million copies worldwide. His novels have been widely adapted for stage and screen, and he was the winner of multiple prizes, including the Carnegie Medal. He was awarded a knighthood for services to literature in 2009, although he always wryly maintained that his greatest service to literature was to avoid writing any.

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