Exquisite Mind - Terry Rubenstein

Terry Rubenstein

Exquisite Mind

How a new paradigm transformed my life. . and is sweeping the world. Sprache: Englisch.
pdf eBook , 188 Seiten
EAN 9781780929569
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Andrews UK
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Is it possible to rid yourself of chronic stress, anxiety and depression? Is it possible to experience true peace of mind? Is it possible to discover a new way of living life, beyond what you imagined? In this inspirational true story, Terry Rubenstein explains why this IS absolutely possible. The answers lie within the Three Principles of Innate Health - a ground-breaking new paradigm that replaces the countless misconceptions that cause many of us to lose our way. At the age of 29, Terry was an overwhelmed mother of 5 young sons suffering from acute depression and anxiety. A few years later, having arrived at a simple but revolutionary understanding that explained all her past suffering, her life changed dramatically. She discovered the secret that lets you escape from being a helpless victim; that allows you to be resilient and secure in the face of life's inevitable ups and downs. Terry's moving account reveals the gift of an Exquisite Mind overflowing with infinite...


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