Tessa Gratton

Star Wars: Temptation of the Force

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1804948241
EAN 9781804948248
Veröffentlicht Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The reunited Jedi prepare to strike back against the ruthless Nihil in this thrilling sequel to Star Wars The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness.
For over a year, Jedi Masters Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann were kept apart by the Nihil's Stormwall. After Avar makes a daring escape from inside the Occlusion Zone, the star-crossed Jedi are reunited. But while the physical distance between them has evaporated, their shared grief over their failure to protect the galaxy from the Nihil threat still remains.
To rally the Jedi Order, and the Republic, Avar and Elzar cling to their belief in serving Light and Life. Working together they lead a daring mission into Nihil space to liberate the planet of Naboo, and show those trapped behind the Stormwall that the Jedi will never abandon them. Now back within close orbit of one another, the two Jedi Masters can no longer deny the bond that has always drawn them back together and made them stronger.
After finally embracing their true desires and imbued with renewed purpose, Avar and Elzar devise a plan to turn the tide of the conflict with the Nihil once and for all. Accompanied by Jedi Knights Bell Zettifar, Burryaga, and Vernestra Rwoh, the Jedi will have to survive the Nameless terrors that they have thus far been powerless to stop.


Tessa Gratton is the New York Times Bestselling author of adult and YA SFF novels and short stories that have been translated into twenty-two languages, nominated twice for the Otherwise Award, and several have been Junior Library Guild Selections. Her most recent novels are the dark fairy tales Strange Grace and Moon Dark Smile, and the queer Shakespeare retelling Lady Hotspur, as well as novels of Star Wars: The High Republic. Though she has lived all over the world, she currently resides at the edge of the Kansas prairie with her wife. Queer, nonbinary, she/he/they.

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