The Lobbying Manual

A Complete Guide to Federal Lobbying Law and Practice, Fifth Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 624 Seiten
ISBN 1634254554
EAN 9781634254557
Veröffentlicht Februar 2017
Verlag/Hersteller American Bar Association
215,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Whether you're a lobbyist working for a law firm, public relations firm or multi-million dollar corporation, or a government affairs or public policy professional advocating on behalf of a nonprofit or charitable organization, labor union, trade association, or other public interest group, practitioners and clients alike must comply with certain laws that vary by jurisdiction. Keeping current with the all of the state and federal laws and regulations can be an arduous and time consuming task.
The manual also contains descriptions of the legislative and executive branch decision-making processes, the constraints that apply to lobbyist participation in political campaigns, the techniques of grassroots lobbying, the professional norms of appropriate behavior that apply to lobbyists, and much more.
The information contained in this handy guide is applicable at the federal, state and local levels and is designed for lawyers, government affairs professionals, legislative staff, regulators, professors and students or anyone who lobbies on behalf of an organization, interest group or client. You don't want to be without this valuable resource.


Edited by Rebecca H. Gordon and Thomas M. Sussman

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