The Royal Horticultural Society, Phil McCann

RHS Garden Bridgewater

The Making of a Garden. New Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 0711274347
EAN 9780711274341
Veröffentlicht November 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Frances Lincoln

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Following the popular BBC series, this book is the comprehensive guide to one of Europe's largest and most ambitious gardening projects, the magnificent RHS Bridgewater.
RHS Garden Bridgewater has a rich history, deeply entrenched personal connections with the local community and now a dazzling and exciting future, all of which is brought to life in this sumptuous book.
Set on the site of the former Worsley New Hall stately home in Manchester, bordering the Bridgewater canal, the Bridgewater garden is one of the most exciting public garden projects undertaken anywhere in the world in recent years. Guided by a masterplan from the renowned landscape architect Tom Stuart-Smith, it is a showpiece of horticultural excellence with a rich array of attractions, from walled gardens and Chinese streamside features to aromatic kitchen gardens and verdant wooded areas, all placed at the heart of the community.
RHS Garden Bridgewater charts the glory years of royal visits to the site, the decline and fall into disrepair and the subsequent restoration and development of the gardens into what they are today.
Chronicling personal memories from the people who shaped the gardens, the book is beautifully illustrated and provides a complete insight into how a garden was and will once again become an integral and inspirational part of the community.


The Royal Horticultural Society, founded in 1804 as the Horticultural Society of London, is the UK's leading gardening charity. The RHS promotes horticulture through its five gardens at Wisley (Surrey), Hyde Hall (Essex), Harlow Carr (Yorkshire), Rosemoor (Devon) and Bridgewater (Greater Manchester); flower shows including the Chelsea Flower Show, Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, Tatton Park Flower Show and Cardiff Flower Show; community gardening schemes; Britain in Bloom and a vast educational program. It also supports training for professional and amateur gardeners.

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