The Royal Horticultural Society

RHS How To Garden When You're New To Gardening

The Basics For Absolute Beginners. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241431417
EAN 9780241431412
Veröffentlicht Februar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Dorling Kindersley Ltd
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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If the desire to start a garden has been planted in your heart, then this essential guide is a wonderful companion to accompany you on your new adventure!
If you're not sure of the first steps to take, this handbook takes the anxiety out of plotting and planting and equips you with all the know-how and confidence you need to get digging into your garden.
Creating a garden that you can enjoy and keep looking beautiful all year round is easier than you think!With the expertise of the Royal Horticultural Society, you'll find simple step-by-step instructions, with clear images to help you create your dream garden, no matter the size and scale.
Get to know your garden and choose plants that will grow well in particular soil types and conditions year after year. From growing root crop to cutting back ivy, this book gives you lots of simple garden ideas and projects that you can do yourself.
Even if you've never sowed a seed or pulled a weed, RHS How to Garden When You're New To Gardening contains everything you need to kickstart your new outdoor hobby! This refreshingly accessible book is perfect for the novice gardener who wants to make the most of whatever garden they have.
Your Guide to Creating the Garden of Your Dreams
Do you want to create a garden you can show off with pride? Would you like to grow your own food? This book will get you started quickly! By following the simple steps and projects outlined in this book, you will reap instant rewards and long-term successes so that you can enjoy your garden in all seasons.
Inside the pages of this comprehensive gardening book, you'll discover:
- Clear definitions and descriptions of the different types of plants.
- Tips on choosing the type of garden you want.
- Easy-to-follow instructions for choosing the right plants for your soil.
- Simple step-by-step instructions to producing your first crop.
- Practical gardening advice on planting, growing, and caring for different plants.


The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK's leading gardening charity dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening. Its charitable work includes providing expert advice and information, training the next generation of gardeners, creating hands-on opportunities for children to grow plants and conducting research into plants, pests and environmental issues affecting gardeners.

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