Thomas Duchesneau

The Return to Bungunuk: Morvint's Wish

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1483469042
EAN 9781483469041
Veröffentlicht Mai 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Lulu Publishing Services
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Within the medieval land of Bungunuk, the great inventor Morvint is nearing the end of his fourteen-year mentorship of his apprentice Thomas, the son of the great warrior and leader, Daniel. Morvint wonders if his ancestry connects him to the being of Bungunuk. Now it is his final wish that Thomas explore and nurture his special talents and see where they take him. After he loyally follows Morvint's suggestion, Thomas, his father, and others embark on a new adventure. As they travel far from Bungunuk to discover new lands, people, and wondrous places, danger greets them as they return to the evil city of Savok. But their journey is not entirely fraught with perilous moments as Thomas learns to use his powers for good and each adventurer learns valuable lessons about faith, loss, healing, renewal, and love. In this continuing fantasy saga, the gifted son of a powerful warrior sets out on a quest to explore his abilities and realize his destiny.

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