Tim Bankes Ii

All Seeing God (About God, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201131654
Veröffentlicht März 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Tim Bankes II
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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How to share who God is with your kids even if you aren't a Pastor. Drake comes running into the room with telling on his little brother for hitting him. Mom walks in and turns this normal redundant occasion into an opportunity to engage her kids on the things of God. She shares with them how God is everywhere and thus can see everything. God is the most important and worthy being in the universe to learn about. Many parents want to teach their kids about God but are uncertain how to get started. The famous pastor Charles Spurgeon describes the importance of learning about God like this, "The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the attention of a child of God, is the name, the nature, the Person, the work, the doings, and the existence of the great God whom he calls his Father (God)." Charles Spurgeon I felt like there were not enough kids books about who God is Himself. So I set out to write a whole series of books so that little by little a parent can read with their kids each book and use it as a starting point to talk about who God is. Many parents want to teach their kids about God but just need a little help getting started. The reason I started to write children's books is threefold: reading them to my nephew, reading them to my newborn son, and the lack of reading that happened in my childhood. Firstly, my sister thought I could read well aloud, and that I was an animated storyteller. Every time I would visit her kids, she would ask me to read to them. This was my first experience reading children's books to kids, it was so enjoyable and satisfying to see them engaged in the book and excited to read certain ones over and over again. Second, I became a Christian at the age of 16. Since then, becoming a Christian has changed my approach to reading. Once Christ came into my life I read the New Testament in one semester of school and since then have read over 250 books. Reading gives you power and freedom, so I wanted to give back and pass that value on to my own son. So I read over 300 children's books in the first 6 months of his life. I would walk into the library with a storage box, fill it up with books, and then read to him multiple books a day. Reading him all those books made me realize the power this form of communication has on young minds. Lastly, the only way I fixed my poor reading was to read many books, and the one thing that is definitely worth reading, to me, are books about God. My goal is that when you read to them, you can be assured that my books will give them an accurate view of God and that it will be something they remember forever, instead of just mindless entertainment. My Christian children's books in this series will be explicitly about God. They are not about being a Christian or really coming to Christ (even though it does contain the gospel message). My goal is to shape children's minds about God because He is both their Creator and Savior. The heart of Christianity is God, not morality. It is imperative that parents share their faith with their kids. My parents believed in the Christian message but did not ever share it with us as children. (they were new Christians that were not properly discipled themselves, nor did they have access to books like this one to help them share their faith) I know that many parents struggle to explain their faith in a way that children can digest. The dialogues in this picture book will serve as inspirations for your parenting so that you can begin to have conversations with your children about "heavenly things".


Tim is an author of Christian Picture books, and a Christian Fiction book series, The Last Tribe.
If you want to see a full list of his works, and be notified when he releases a new book, go to www.amazon.com/author/timbankes

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