Timothy L. Adams

The Church of No Money

The Story. . The Steps. . The Survival. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 76 Seiten
EAN 9798822943070
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Palmetto Publishing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In The Church of No Money, experience the incredible true story of a pastor and his community who come together to follow their faith and build a flourishing church from the ground up - with little to no resources.
In 1999, a spark lit in Wadesboro, North Carolina that wouldn't be snuffed out by any roadblocks. Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, a group of 20 members sacrificed energy, time, money, and any other resource they had to create Harvest Ministries Outreach Center.
In the following 20+ years, Harvest has grown from those original 20 members to hundreds; enabling Harvest Ministries to become one of the fastest growing churches in southeastern North Carolina. Harvest Ministries also operates:A House of Hope Homeless ShelterThe Movement Youth CenterHelping Hands Food DistributionOver 44 in reach and outreach ministries that include vans and buses transporting people throughout the region.
The story of Harvest Ministries, told starting at the inception of the idea by Pastor Tim Adams, is one of heartwarming grace and unbelievable trust in God. Harvest Ministries' trajectory makes it clear: when God puts his blessing on something or someone - HE will make it happen. And now it's your turn to read the incredible narrative that brought it to fruition.
The Church of No Money is more than a story of a community coming together-or even God working His glory in the lives of his believers. It's a testament to the absolute power that the combination of faith, dreams, and perseverance can have on a person, a community, and a church.
Perfect for pastors and church leaders, The Church of No Money is an inspiring tale with lessons relatable to any person who has a dream to do something special, even if they lack the resources or partners usually necessary to start.


Pastor Tim Adams is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Harvest Ministries Outreach Center. He founded Harvest Ministries on the faith of 20 people who risked everything. Tim owned and operated a landscaping company for over 20 years and restaurants for 17 years until his call into pastoral ministry. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Tim recently received the Ada Ford Singleton Award from the NAACP for Community Efforts and Bridging the Racial Gap in Community.Today, Pastor Tim lives in Wadesboro with his wife Brenda and two adult children who actively engage in their parent's ministry.

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