Tom Ryan

Following Atticus

Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 0062101307
EAN 9780062101303
Veröffentlicht September 2011
Verlag/Hersteller William Morrow
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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New York Times Bestseller
Following Atticus is the remarkable true story of a man and a dog embarking on the challenge of a lifetime. This is author Tom Ryan's inspiring tale of how he and his miniature schnauzer companion, the “Little Buddha” Atticus M. Finch, attempted to scale all forty-eight of New Hampshire's four thousand foot White Mountains twice in the dead of winter. It is a story of love, loss, and the resilience of the human and animal spirit that's as thrilling as Into Thin Air and featuring the most endearing and unforgettable canine protagonist since Marley and Me.


Tom Ryan served as publisher and editor of the Newburyport, Massachusetts, newspaper The Undertoad for more than a decade. In 2007 he sold the newspaper and moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire with miniature schnauzer Atticus M. Finch. Over the last five years, Tom and Atticus have climbed more than 450 four-thousand-foot peaks.

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