Tony Crabbe


How to Thrive in a World of Too Much. Sprache: Englisch.
gebunden , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1455532983
EAN 9781455532988
Veröffentlicht Juli 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Grand Central Publishing
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Business psychologist Tony Crabbe outlines a unique four-step approach to combatting one of modern life's great problems: being too busy. So many people feel far too busy - unable to work properly on those goals that are important to them because of all the minor hassles and interruptions that get in the way. In BUSY, highly-regarded psychologist Tony Crabbe puts these deflating feelings into proper context and provides practical solutions. BUSY is divided into four sections. The first, Mastery, shows how to regain a sense of control of your life; the second section, Focus, outlines how to transition toward a career strategy that doesn't necessarily hinge on productivity; the third section, Engagement, shows how to re-engage with the key people, values, and activities that you have previously neglected because you didn't have your priorities in order; and the fourth section, Momentum, is dedicated to creating the impetus, energy and clarity to truly put all these changes into effect. Throughout BUSY, Crabbe draws on pertinent and entertaining psychological studies that build and support his assertions. Crabbe has developed a fresh new approach to taking back one's life from chaotic outside forces. Rarely has a book been more timely in both its scope and in its immediate impact.


Tony Crabbe is an organizational psychologist who works with multinational companies around the world, including PWC, Microsoft, News International, Disney, and the World Bank. He is also a research fellow in the field of organizational psychology at Birkbeck College, University of London. He lives with his family in Spain, but spends a considerable amount of time consulting in the UK and the US.