Tricia McCannon

The Angelic Origins of the Soul

Discovering Your Divine Purpose. Includes 16-page color insert and 69 b&w illustrations. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 528 Seiten
ISBN 1591432723
EAN 9781591432722
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Bear & Company
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A journey into the immortal nature of the Soul, the landscapes of Heaven, and the purpose behind your incarnation on Earth
• Reveals the connection between the soul and the orders of Angels and provides a roadmap to the realms of Heaven and Hell
• Explains the six stages of Soul Evolution and the Nine Orders of Angels
• Describes the many dimensions between the highest celestial realms and the lower Astral plane and the Genesis Matrix, our angelic place of origin
Your Soul is a divine light originating within the Angelic Orders of Heaven. The Tibetan Book of the Dead speaks about the seven Lokas, or dimensions, the Soul travels through after death, while the Egyptian Book of the Dead refers to the Soul becoming one with the ever-renewing phoenix. Yet what is the phoenix but a symbol of our own Angelic Twin who resides in the highest realms, the essence of our Soul? In this book, Tricia McCannon explains how to discover the angelic realms where the highest parts of yourself reside and become the catalyst for your own path of ascension.
Exploring the Soul's angelic origins, the Nine Orders of Angels, and the multi-dimensional landscapes of Heaven, McCannon takes you on the journey each Soul makes as it descends from the higher vibrational realms to arrive in the world of form. Drawing from the perennial wisdom of the Gnostics, Tibetans, Egyptians, Buddhists, Hindus, Hebrew mystics, and the ancient Mystery traditions, she looks at what our ancient ancestors have to say about the nature and history of the Soul. She reveals how, once embodied, the Soul loses its ability to vibrate with the highest celestial levels causing it to forget its purpose. She addresses how our illusion of separation from Divine Oneness arises, causing us to move away from the Light and become wrapped up in the Shadow of fear and suffering. She explains the six stages of Soul Evolution we must pass through to heal the wounds of separation, reawaken to higher vibrations, and remember our Soul's purpose, the reason your Soul chose this incarnation.
McCannon shares stories from those who have returned from the Otherside, tales of revelation, temples of learning, and crystal cities of light. Presenting the great Course Curriculum of the Soul, the lessons we must master to complete our missions on Earth, the author shows that by remembering our divine essence we can move beyond conflict and struggle to embrace the love and joy that reside eternally at the core of our being.


Tricia McCannon is a renowned clairvoyant, teacher, and mystical symbologist. She is the author of two books, Dialogues with the Angels and Jesus: The Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and the Ancient Mystery Religions. She has been a featured speaker at conferences in the United States, England, and Europe and has appeared on radio and TV shows, including Coast to Coast AM and Whitley Strieber's Dreamland. The director of the Phoenix Fire Lodge Mystery School, she lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

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