Under Fire -

Under Fire

William T. Vollmann, The Rifles A Critical Study. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook
ISBN 3035109567
EAN 9783035109566
Veröffentlicht Juli 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This study of a novel by William T. Vollmann offers a port of entry into his fiction. Like other titles from his planned «Seven Dreams» collection, The Rifles deconstructs the historical novel. Following in the steps of the nineteenth-century English explorer John Franklin, the contemporary American character Subzero risks his life in the Arctic, looking for a way to transcend the history of colonization and his personal limitations. He ventures out on the permafrost of his memory, both private and collective, haunted by history as he revisits the Gothic genre. Deploying the poetry of an anachronistic errand into the white wilderness of snow and ice, in the wake of Herman Melville's Captain Ahab and Edgar Allan Poe's Arthur Gordon Pym, the narrator plays with avatars of the author as an explorer, a historian, a cartographer and a sketch-artist to encounter otherness, whether Inuit women or men, or fellow travelers who exchange with the authorial figure in his search for meaning. This critical analysis uses close-reading, ecocriticism, cultural studies and comparative literature to examine an innovative novel of the post-postmodern canon, by one of the finest contemporary American authors.


Françoise Palleau-Papin is Professor of American Literature at the University of Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Cité, where she co-directs the research center Pléiade. After completing a PhD dissertation on Willa Cather, she has published the first critical monograph on David Markson (2011), and edited two others (on Patricia Eakins, and William T. Vollmann).


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