Vere Salazar

Mastering SQL: A Step-by-Step Guide toSQL Programming and Database Management Systems for Beginners

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224844746
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Vere salazar
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Master SQL Programming and Database Management with Ease: Simplify your journey into the essentials of SQL programming and effective database management. If you're looking for a straightforward approach to mastering SQL for proper database administration, dive into "Mastering SQL" This book takes you on a swift and comprehensible journey through the industry-standard language for data definition and analysis.
Start by understanding the fundamentals of databases and SQL programming, progressing to hands-on experience with basic databases and tables. Real-world examples are seamlessly integrated into each section, providing practical applications. Whether you have a programming background or not, this book serves as a step-by-step guide, ensuring that even those new to programming can follow along effortlessly. Armed with the necessary tools, you'll develop proficiency in constructing versatile databases and efficiently manipulating data.
Explore various topics, including:
- Building databases and tables using self-created data.
- Defining SQL data types suitable for your dataset.
- Efficiently sorting through data to extract relevant information.
- Employing mathematical operations and functions.
- Step-by-step guidance on data cleaning for streamlined analysis.
- Modifying and deleting tables and databases.
- Establishing a secure database with proven strategies.
- Granting or revoking user privileges.
- And much more...
Transform the process of learning SQL and working with data into an uncomplicated and accessible experience. Whether you're a novice or unfamiliar with SQL, this audiobook ensures a rapid and effective learning curve.

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