Dynamics of the Ukraine War - Viktor Jakupec

Viktor Jakupec

Dynamics of the Ukraine War

Diplomatic Challenges and Geopolitical Uncertainties. Auflage 2024. XIX, 120 p. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 3.
pdf eBook , 120 Seiten
ISBN 3031524446
EAN 9783031524448
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Springer

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This book offers a contemporary, cutting-edge, and advanced critical analysis of the first twenty months of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Following a realist approach and with a focus on political discord, economic sanctions, and media limitations, the book sheds light onto the deadlock between the conflicting parties. It dissects the diplomatic endeavors and missteps, varying political perspectives, Western support strategies, and the intricate global dynamics that triggered this existential crisis.
The critical assessment of political antecedents, including the Budapest Memorandum, the Bucharest Summit Declaration, and the Minsk Agreements 1 and 2, uncovers hidden political motives aimed at setting the stage for a proxy war. Additionally, the book scrutinizes the financial dimensions of the conflict, strategies for post-conflict reconstruction, and the emerging Zeitenwende phenomenon reshaping the geopolitical landscape of the Global North.
This book's insights suggest a potential shift towards a new multipolar global order, representing a significant realignment in the distribution of geopolitical and geo-economic influence. A must-read for scholars and academics seeking a profound understanding of this pivotal conflict and its far-reaching implications.


Viktor Jakupec is an Honorary Professor at Deakin University, Australia, and University of Potsdam, Germany, as well as a member of the Leibniz Sozietät der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany. He has published widely on politics and development aid and has held numerous appointments as a consultant to various international organisations.

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