Vincent Pratchett

The Raven's Warrior

A Novel. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 342 Seiten
ISBN 1594392595
EAN 9781594392597
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2012
Verlag/Hersteller YMAA Publication Center

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If Death takes a man it is called fate, when Death leaves a man it is called destiny.
"I have heard the delirious ramblings of countless dying minds and I am amused by yours. Don't be afraid, I won't take you now. Your life sentence has just begun."
Wounded in battle, a near dead Celtic warrior is taken by Viken raiders. He is sold into a Mid-East slave market and then dragged further east, through the desert, into the 'Middle Kingdom'. Destiny brings him into the hands of a warrior priest and his daughter. Hazy images of silk, herbs, needles, potions and steel, can lead him to only one conclusion, he has been purchased by a wizard and his witch.
And Arkthar fears for his very soul.
Under death's plotting eyes, a slave-warrior, a priest and a healer quest to save a kingdom. A new root of Arthurian legend takes hold.


Vincent Pratchett is a Canadian Martial Artist who began his training at the age of ten. He has taught the arts at the University of Guelph, and the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a young man Vincent travelled across Asia roughly following the ancient route of Marco Polo. Eventually settling in Hong Kong he worked as a bouncer for a prominent nightclub until breaking into the Hong Kong film industry as an actor and stuntman. Returning to Toronto, he now works as a professional firefighter. His writing includes screenplays, a child's storybook, and several magazine articles. Living with his two children he continues to write, to train and to teach.

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