Vincent Toro


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 0593511883
EAN 9780593511886
Veröffentlicht 6. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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"Virtuosic . . . one of our most talented and daring poets . . . Hivestruck crackles with Toro's critical vision and dazzling wit." -John Keene, National Book Award-winning author of Punks: New and Selected Poems
A poet whose work has focused on Puerto Rican and Latinx history and identity poses the question of what makes us human, and technology's part in that process, through a decolonial lens
Vincent Toro's third collection of poetry is a work of Latinxfuturism that confronts the enigmatic and paradoxical relationship human beings have with technology. The poems are a tapestry of meditations on social media and surveillance culture, satires on science fiction and the space race, interrogations of artificial intelligence, cyborg economics, and biohacking, and tributes to women and queer and BIPOC people who have contributed and are contributing to human survival and progress in a technology obsessed world.


Vincent Toro is a Puerto Rican poet, playwright, and professor. He is the author of two poetry collections: Tertulia and Stereo.Island.Mosaic., which won the Poetry Society of America's Norma Farber First Book Award. Vincent is a recipient of the Caribbean Writer's Cecile De Jongh Poetry Prize, the Spanish Repertory Theater's Nuestras Voces Playwriting Award, a Poet's House Emerging Poets Fellowship, a New York Council for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, and a New Jersey State Council for the Arts Writer's Fellowship. His poetry and prose have been published in dozens of magazines and journals and have been anthologized in Saul Williams' CHORUS, Puerto Rico En Mi Corazon, Best American Experimental Writing 2015, Misrepresented People, and The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNEXT. He is an Assistant Professor of English at Rider University, is a Dodge Foundation Poet, and is a contributing editor for Kweli Literary Journal.

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