Viola Black

The Billionaire's Wife 1: Unexpected Pregnancy (BWWM Interracial Romance)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533709378
EAN 9781533709370
Veröffentlicht Juni 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Viola Black
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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High school was a blast. Never had she imagined it would go by so quickly. Memories of friends that had long since come and gone. Laughter that still echoed through the corridors of her mind. Each thought of those people made her stomach turn on end. The betrayal she felt from them was more than she could comprehend.
Xavier was dead. He had passed, and Dawnika knew it before they even got to the hospital. It came as a bit of a shock that he ended up like his father. He was healthy, never did anything that he shouldn't have. For Christ's sake he was captain of the soccer and football team. Xavier was as healthy as could be, yet he gave no sign of life.
One moment, he was breathing, the next he was lying, sprawled out on the couch. They were watching cheesy horror flicks, and laughing at every flaw, when he started to appear uncomfortable. At first, she wasn't really worried, of course that was the first mistake that she made. He was her boyfriend, and she should've always been concerned, however, she wasn't. The reason why would remain unknown to her.
Twenty minutes later, he was complaining of chest pains and asked her to call an ambulance. She did, but when they arrived, she knew they were too late. He wasn't breathing. He wasn't moving. That of course nearly gave her a heart attack. Moreover she passed out, and when she woke up she was at the hospital, lying in a bed.

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