Vladimir Cvetkovic

Disaster Risk Management (Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1667473379
EAN 9781667473376
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Babelcube Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
35,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The textbook is intended for students of basic and master academic studies, as well as to a wider professional audience (members of the emergency services, etc.), who are increasingly faced with the need for a more thorough understanding of the problem of a multidisciplinary approach in the identification process, disaster risk analysis and treatment. The content of the textbook is in line with the curriculum of the subject "Disaster Risk Management", which is taught in the third year of basic academic studies of the Faculty of Security. In the writing of the textbooks, great attention was paid to meeting high standards in terms of scientific and professional and pedagogical and didactic requirements, and extensive scientific and professional material of all relevant foreign and domestic authors was used. Besides, the author used a fair treasure trove of his scholarly and professional papers, which have been scientifically verified by numerous international and national reviewers. Also, the author incorporated most of his research findings in the country and abroad into the text of the textbook to enrich it with scientifically verified facts. Also, invaluable experience in working with students has helped to release the textbook from the additional scientific reflection that would make it difficult to acquire basic knowledge in the field of disaster risk management. The first edition of the textbook also has its limitations, which are reflected in the insufficient theoretical development of the scientific discipline, which is relatively young and should contribute to creating additional conditions for the construction of the theory. I would like to emphasize that the textbook represents the first such publication published in the Serbian language in our region, which will greatly improve the knowledge and professional competencies of the general professional public.

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