W. J. May, Chrissy Peebles, Kristen L. Middleton, Cm Doporto, Kaitlyn Davis

Five Shades of Fantasy

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 13 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1301250333
EAN 9781301250332
Veröffentlicht September 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Dark Shadow Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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5 Bestselling novels by 5 bestselling authors (& bonus excerpt) bring you Five Shades of Fantasy. 5 complete novels by some of todays most exciting authors. Each shade is a different genre of the fantasy and romance you love the most. A star-studded anthology of thrilling, action-packed, and totally swoon worthy first books from five different series by your favorite female author.
Plus a bonus prequel! Get all 6 books now!


Wanita May grew up in the fruit belt of Ontario - St.Catharines. Crazy-happy childhood, she always has had a vivid imagination and loads of energy.
The youngest of six -- four older brothers, and a sister -- taught her at a young age to be competitive in all aspects of life.
At sixteen, she began competing in athletics (track and field) and before she turned seventeen, she was representing Canada in high jump. She continued to compete, breaking Canada's JR High Jump record (1.92m - 6' 3 1/2" for those metric-ly challenged). She attented University of Toronto, and Kansas State University - winning CIAU's and becoming All-American 6x - NCAA Indoors Runner Up + more.
But you're not interested in her athletic career - unless of course you're curious to know she stands 1.70m (5'7") and has jumped 20cm over her head on more than one occassion. She's represented Canada at the World Championships, World Jrs., won Francophone Games, and loved every minute of every competition. From the grueling workouts, the crazy weights she lifted on her back, the days she thought her lungs were going to spit out of her mouth for lack of oxygen, the travelling around the world and the opportunity to read - her favourite past time.
Life continued with her husband (a distance runner from Liverpool, UK, who she met at KSU) and then their first, then second and finally third child. Their house became full of more imagination and stories.
Wanita and her husband run an online business, dealing in antiques and collectables - particularly jewelry and porcelain (one of the business' website: www.wadeincanada.com ).
After her father passed away in 2009, from a six-year battle with cancer (which she still believes he won the fight against), she began to write again. A passion she'd loved for years, but realized life was too short to keep putting it off.
She is currently represented by Dawn Dowdle of Blue Ridge Literary Agency. Wanita is a writer of Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction and where ever else her little muses take her.

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