Wee Dilts

How to Live in the "I" of the Storm

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1497772826
EAN 9781497772823
Veröffentlicht März 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Wee Dilts
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

How to Live in the "I" of the Storm
Guaranteed, remarkably easy steps on how to stay calm, no matter what goes on in your world. This E book gives you outstanding tips on how to remain centered in any situation.
Ever felt dazed and confused by the day's events. Never again do you need to allow life to toss you around. The bottom line - this E book will show you how to remain calm and serene, even when your environment is turmoil. Live your life fully actualized. Enjoy peace of mind all the time.
Would You Like to Remain Centered and Stay Calm in the Midst of Lifes' Storm?
Wouldn't You Like to Know How to Stay Calm and Centered
Even In the Midst of Lifes Raging Storm?
What if you could learn how to:
•Stay Calm and Serene no matter what
•Enjoy a feeling of being Centered in the midst of traumatic events
•Remain Centered wherever you are
•Stay calm in the "I" of the storm
•Deal with stress
Let me explain:
This is an Ebook for every life seeker. It's a Self Help Ebook that teaches you basic "I" tasks; you can deal with stress, stay calm and centered; No matter what is going on around you.
The Exciiting fact is you really can learn how to stay calm no matter what's going on in your world.
You'll be able to Feel Good about yourself, You can remain centered in the eye of the storm while those around you and life itself, are caught up in the winds of the outer edge of lifes hurricane of turmoil.
No More will you be tossed about by events in life's storm as it rages around you. You will stay calm and easily deal with stress.
You stay Centered in the "I" of your everyday living.
Here's a Summary of The Benefits: •Learn how to take a thourough Personal Inventory - get to know yourself
• Learn how to do morning Meditations - find inner peace
• Learn a definite plan for Forgiving others - get rid of your personal limiting garbage
• Learn how to use a Grateful list - see the glass as half full
• Learn to appreciate and compliment others daily - Improve Relationships
• Have a new Adventure each month
• Overcome fears of new and unknown
• Learn how to write and Attain Your Goals
• Build financial and personal Success
• Learn to Share with a friend - enjoy and prosper from sharing
• Learn to Evaluate your progress
• Experience Pride in your accomplishments
• Get ready for New Experiences
• Look Forward to each day
• Learn how to stay in the "I"
• Enjoy serenity and Peace of Mind
Six Reasons to Get this Ebook Today:
1: Gives you concrete Techniques
2: Provides exercises and forms for Daily Tasks.
3: Gives instructions for Inspirational readings each day
4: When life is spinning out of control . . . You Stay Centered
5: Provides ideas for Rewards and joyous things to do - your efforts do not go unrewarded
6: Keeps the Centering Process simple. Simple is good.
You Can't find an Ebook like this anywhere


Wee Dilts is a native of Colorado. Growin up in a small town, she earned college money waiting tables and barrel racing in local rodeos.
She graduated high school at sixteen and went to college on a full scholarship.
She holds advanced degrees in education psychology and guidance.
Her life has been dedicated to helping others.
She has owned and operated her own FSBO real estate company since 1983.
She created the original Flat Fee MLS program.
She wrote state franchise sales training manuals and conducted sales seminars
Wee is a long time sober member of AA and a non smoker. She knows a bit about addiction and recovery
In her books she freely shares her experience and hope.
Her hobbies include: acrylic painting, clay sculpting, photography, writing and traveling.
She's a life time student of the metaphysical and spiritual life.
Writings include:
• Numerous self help ebooks
• Free articles on real estate and self help
• Franchise sales training manuals
• A "How to Sell Real Estate by Owner" book
• Two children's books
• A poetry book
• Three sci-fi political satire fiction books.
• 12 Self help Ebooks
Her writings offer guidance for living life

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