Winter Morgan

The Mystery of the Griefer's Mark (Deluxe Illustrated Edition)

An Unofficial Minecrafters Adventure. Empfohlen 7 bis 12 Jahre. Illustrated. 75 Color Illustrations. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1510765395
EAN 9781510765399
Veröffentlicht Januar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Sky Pony Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

Auch erhältlich als:

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A brand-new illustrated edition of the bestselling novel by author Winter Morgan with 75 full-color illustrations! Perfect for every boy and girl who loves Minecraft and adventure!
Steve is back and ready for more adventures! But this time the excitement lands closer to home. While walking home from the village, Steve is surprised to hear a loud BOOM! When he returns home, he finds his wheat farm destroyed and a huge crater where the wheat once grew. And his diamond sword is missing! Steve believes it's the act of a griefer with a lot of TNT. Devastated, Steve wants to rebuild and find his sword, but with his wheat destroyed, he must call on old friends to help him.
All together again, Lucy, Max, and Henry tell harrowing stories of their treasure hunts and conquests, and Steve discusses his strategy for rebuilding. They all go to sleep, excited to begin their plans; but when they wake up, Henry is missing! Looking for Henry in the village, two of Steve's neighbors, Kyra and Adam, have been targeted as well: Kyra's barn was flooded with lava, and Adam's friend Thomas is missing too!
Who is the griefer terrorizing Steve and the villagers? And how will Steve find the resources to rebuild his prosperous farm? With suspicion circulating and no answers to be found, Steve finds himself wrongly suspected of these crimes-and so he must discover who the mischievous griefer is before something even worse happens.


Winter Morgan; Illustrated by Grace Sandford

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