Yeshe Phuntsok

Vajrasattva Meditation

An Illustrated Guide. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 1614292051
EAN 9781614292050
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Wisdom Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Walk step by step through the stages of this tantric ritual of purification with inspired commentary and forty full-color illustrations.
The force of our past actions makes it hard to attain our goals, including success in meditation. And so Buddhism has developed methods for purifying our past, clearing the obstacles to success and fulfillment. One of the most popular methods for karmic housekeeping, one common to all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, is the preparatory practice of visualizing the buddha Vajrasattva and reciting his hundred-syllable mantra. It is considered an essential foundation for the success of spiritual endeavor. The practice of Vajrasattva is often the first experience practitioners have of trying to perform tantric ritual. Combining prayers, visualizations, mantra recitations, and multiple styles of meditation, it can be hard for those who did not grow up in the tradition to know how to proceed. This friendly volume by a young Tibetan lama with many followers in China lays out the practice step by step accompanied by sixty color illustrations.


Yeshe Phuntsok

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