Charging for Mobile All-IP Telecommunications - Yi-Bing Lin, Sok-Ian Sou

Yi-Bing Lin, Sok-Ian Sou

Charging for Mobile All-IP Telecommunications

1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 5.
pdf eBook , 300 Seiten
ISBN 0470777664
EAN 9780470777664
Veröffentlicht September 2008
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

Auch erhältlich als:

107,99 inkl. MwSt.
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This book provides a complete and comprehensive overview of 3G
UMTS charging services
Evolving from offline billing of traditional telecommunications,
charging for IP services in mobile networks is challenging;
charging convergence is one of the major trends in the telecom
industry. Advanced mobile telecommunications incorporates data
applications with real-time control and management, and requires a
convergent and flexible online charging system. Such convergence is
essential to mitigate fraud and credit risks in order to provide
more personalized information to users about charges and credit
limit controls.
Charging for Mobile All-IP Telecommunications provides
comprehensive and practical coverage of online and offline charging
based on mobile operator experiences, and the latest efforts
undertaken by the UMTS specifications.
Key features:
* Presents a complete overview of the telecommunications charging
system, including the evolution from 2G to 3G and all-IP network
charging frameworks
* Discusses all management aspects related to charging and
billing processes, with a focus on the major trends and
developments within the telecoms industry
* Provides an overview of the telecom networks such as PSTN, GSM,
* Covers the concepts of the telecom charging on mobile services
and the new technologies for implementing online charging system,
such as GTP' and Diameter protocol
* Contains coverage on network nodes and data flows in relation
to charging of mobile applications, such as IMS call and content
* Explains the IP-based online charging system, protocol details
and recent trends in charging for mobile telecom industry
This book is an invaluable resource for graduate students,
telecoms and IP engineers, network service providers and system
architects. Information technologists and networking equipment
manufacturers will also find this book insightful.


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