Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms for Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere - Zhi Chen

Zhi Chen

Spatial Patterns and Mechanisms for Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere

1st ed. 2018. XV, 139 p. 34 illus. , 20 illus. in color. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 4.
pdf eBook , 139 Seiten
ISBN 9811077037
EAN 9789811077036
Veröffentlicht Februar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Springer

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This book systematically illustrates the underlying mechanisms of spatial variation in ecosystem carbon fluxes. It presents the regulation of climate pattern, together with its impacts on ecosystem traits, which yields new insights into the terrestrial carbon cycle and offers a theoretic basis for large-scale carbon pattern assessment. By means of integrated analysis, the clear spatial pattern of carbon fluxes (including gross primary production, ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem production) along latitudes is clarified, from regions to the entire Northern Hemisphere. Temperature and precipitation patterns play a vital role in carbon spatial pattern formation, which strongly supports the application of the climate-driven theory to the Northern Hemisphere. With regard to the spatial pattern, the book demonstrates the covariation between production and respiration, offering new information to promote current respiration model development. Moreover, it reveals the high carbon uptake of subtropical forests across the East Asian monsoon region, which challenges the view that only mid- to high-latitude terrestrial ecosystems are principal carbon sink regions, and improves our understanding of carbon budgets and distribution. 


Dr. Zhi Chen
2011 ~ 2015   Ph.D. in Ecology. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2008 ~ 2011   M.S. in Ecology.Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2004 ~ 2008   B.S. in Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control. Southwest University.
2016   Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2015   Director Scholarship. Outstanding Doctoral Candidates of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2014   Merit Student, Outstanding Student Cadre of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013   National Scholarship. Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2011   Outstanding Graduate Student of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010   Merit Student, Outstanding Student Cadre of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2008   Outstanding Graduate Student of Southwest University.
2007   National Scholarship. Merit Student of Southwest University.
2006   First Class Scholarship. Merit Student of Southwest University.
2005   First Class Scholarship. Merit Student of Southwest University.
1.      Yu, G.R., Chen, Z., Zhang, L.M. et al., Recognizing the Scientific Mission of Flux Tower Observation Networks-Lay the Solid Scientific Data Foundation for Solving Ecological Issues Related to Global Change. Journal of Resources and Ecology. 2017, 8(2): 115-120.
2.      Jiao, C.C., Yu, G.R., Ge, J.P., Chen, X., Zhang C., He, N.P., Chen, Z., Hu, Z.M. Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of aboveground net primary productivity in the Eurasian steppe region from 1982 to 2013. Ecology and Evolution. 2017, 1-14.
3.      Yu, G.R., Ren, W., Chen, Z. et al., Construction and progress of Chinese terrestrial ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes coordinated observation. Journal of Geographic Science, 2016, 26(7): 803-826.
4.      Chen, Z., Yu, G.R., Zhu, X.J. et al., Covariation between gross primary production and ecosystem respiration across space and the underlying mechanisms: a global synthesis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015, 203: 180-190.
5.      Chen, Z., Yu, G.R., Ge, J.P. et al., Roles of climate, vegetation and soil in regulating the spatial variability in ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere. PLoS ONE, 2015, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125265.
6.      Yu, G.R., Chen, Z., Piao, S.L. et al., High carbon dioxide uptake by subtropical forest ecosystems in the East Asian monsoon region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111(13): 4910-4915.
7.      Zhu, X.J., Yu, G.R., He, H.L., Wang, Q.F., Chen, Z. et al., Geographical statistical assessments of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of China: Results from upscaling network observations. Global and Planetary Change, 2014, 118: 52-61.
8.      Sheng, W.P., Yu, G.R., Fang, H.J., Liu, Y.C., Wang, Q.F., Chen, Z. et al., Regional patterns of 15N natural abundance in forest ecosystems along a large transect in eastern China. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 4249.
9.      Chen, Z., Yu, G.R., Ge, J.P., et al. Temperature and precipitation control of the spatial variation of terrestrial ecosystem carbon exchange in the Asian region. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 182-183: 266-276.
10.    Yin, H.J., Xiao, J., Li, Y.F., Chen, Z., et al. Warming effects on root morphological and physiological traits: the potential consequences on soil C dynamics as altered root exudation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 180: 287-296. 11.    Yin, H.J., Chen, Z., Wei, Y.Y., Liu, Q. Nitrogen transformation in the rhizospheres of two subalpine coniferous species under experimental warming. Applied Soil Ecology, 2012, 59: 60-67.
12.    Yin, H.J., Chen, Z., Liu, Q. Effects of experimental warming on soil N transformations of two coniferous species, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012, 50: 77-84.
13.    Chen, Z., Yu, G.R., Zhu, X.J., Wang, Q.F. Spatial pattern and regional characteristics of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere. Quaternary Science, 2014, 34(4): 710-722. (In Chinese)
14.    Jiao, C.C., Yu, G.R., Zhan, X.Y., Zhu, X.J., Chen, Z. Spatial pattern and regional characteristics of global forest ecosystem net primary productivity. Quaternary Science, 2014, 34(4): 699-709. (In Chinese)
15.    Chen, Z., Yin, H.J., Wei, Y.Y., Liu, Q., Short-term effects of night warming and nitrogen addition on soil available nitrogen and microbial properties in subalpine coniferous forest, western Sichuan, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2010, 34(11): 1254-1264. (In Chinese) 16.    Chen, Z., Jiang, X.J., Luo, H.Y., Li, N., Li, H., Distribution of soil microbial biomass within soil water-stable aggregates and the effects of tillage. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2008, 28(12): 5964-5969. (In Chinese)

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