Aaron C. Rhodes

American Cowboys

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 156 Seiten
EAN 9798218377137
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Rhiannyn Aubree Publishing
10,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

After the Civil War, America experienced division and wounds. People came to the American Southwest after the war seeking a new start, a reclamation of their dreams for a better life, a new life altogether. A life far removed from the trauma of war and hatred. The Southwest allowed these people from all walks a genuine chance at that new life.
Frank Morgan and John Rose, veterans of the Civil War, sought hope and opportunity in this new land. They would form a group that would embody the genuine spirit of cowboys. Their goal would be to defend railroads and protect those unable to defend themselves. This group would become known as the American Cowboys. Through their adventures, they would develop many friendships, find new love, make great sacrifices, and hand out justice.
In 1890, a tragedy and societal changes threatened the way of life for the American Cowboys, challenging the group to stay together. These cowboys, who have bonds stronger than bloodlines or backgrounds, must come together to help save the daughter of Navajo Chief Lonewolf-whom the notorious bandit Dane Manson kidnapped.
The American Cowboys will face redemption and loss as they answer Frank Morgan's life motto: Every man faces death. What makes a man is how he faces death.


Aaron C. Rhodes is the author of the memoir He's My Son: From the Road to Glory, a finalist for the 2013 USA Best Book Award. With over a decade of writing books, Aaron has developed a uniquely passionate voice that comes through the characters and stories in his writings. Aaron is a Ph.D. candidate from Liberty University with over 20 years of experience in healthcare.In the 1980s and 1990s, Aaron spent most summers in Navajo Dam, New Mexico, where his love and appreciation grew for the area. This included visits to Durango Colorado with family, which introduced him to their narrow-gauge railroad. These factors were the driving factors to base his novel around.He is married to Teresa and has three sons, Landyn, Warner, and Maverick. Aaron and his family currently live in the North Dallas area.

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