Adriane Leigh

Blindsight: Complete Series

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1536517496
EAN 9781536517491
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Adriane Leigh
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"Sizzling chemistry, a glamorous world, plot twists...a perfect combination held together with Adriane Leigh's addictive writing. I dove into this world, and didn't want to come up for air. I can't wait for more!" - Alessandra Torre, Hollywood Dirt
I want her.
She thinks I need her. What she doesn't know is she needs me more. I'm hiring her to protect her. To save her life. To make her beg.
Because her big brown eyes make me wild and the thought of leaving her to the wolves makes my heart bleed. But the past is colliding with an out of focus present that's on course to a fatal future.
*All three books from USA Today bestseller Adriane Leigh are included in this collection.
"Sexy. Hot. Leigh leaves you wanting more!" - K. Bromberg, Driven
"Blindsight is an intense, erotic mystery that kept me turning the pages. I can't stop thinking about this story!" - Raine Miller, The Blackstone Affair
"Adriane Leigh never dissapoints with equal amounts of heat and heart with all the sex, suspense and scandal in Blindsight. Leigh's newest mysterious hero will have you anxiously flipping pages well into the night trying to uncover his secrets." - Jay Crownover, Marked Men
"I was riveted on the edge of my seat from the pulse-pounding prologue to the heart-stopping end. The suspense keeps you in delicious anticipation while the sex scenes steam up your kindle. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds!" - Katie Ashley, The Proposition

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