Albert Jack

Gun Control USA

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386530913
EAN 9781386530916
Veröffentlicht Februar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Albert Jack Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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From the bestselling author of Red Herrings & White Elephants, What Caesar did for my Salad, Pop Goes the Weasel, New World Order & 9/11 Conspiracy
Mass Shootings in America.
It is no longer a question of 'if.'
It is a question of 'when' and 'where.'
The strongest argument the pro-gun lobby in America has against proper gun control is that the 2nd Amendment makes it a right for all American citizens to own guns. Well, no that is not what the 2nd Amendment means, that is only how it is interpreted.
The second, most often heard argument, is that American citizens have the right to arm themselves for their own protection, which is the same thing as saying that the way to stop children from throwing stones at other children is to make sure ALL the children have stones.
The worst argument I have heard today is;
'I guess we should ban knifes too. Did you know I could kill you with a rock? Hey I guess we should ban rocks.'
Which is plain childish.
More than 360,000 American citizens have died at gun point in America during the last forty-years, which is more than all the casualties of any war in American history, put together.
A Mass Shooting is officially defined as a situation where four or more people are shot in one incident.
In the 1066 days prior to writing this there have been 1052 Mass Shootings in America.
45 of those were in schools. The children are shooting each other for real.
There is no other country in the civilized world where this happens. And yet America WILL NOT BAN GUNS.
The real question should be WHY NOT?
Find out WHY NOT here and also find out how you, the America citizen, can put a stop to the slaughter at the touch of a button.


Albert Jack is a writer and historian. His first book Red Herrings and White Elephants explored the origins of well-known idioms and phrases and became an international best-seller in 2004. It was serialized in the Sunday Times and remained on their best-seller list for sixteen straight months.
He followed this up with a series of other popular titles including Shaggy Dogs and Black Sheep, Pop Goes the Weasel, What Caesar did for my Salad & They Laughed at Galileo.
Fascinated by discovering the truth behind the world's great stories, Albert has become an expert at explaining the unexplained, enriching millions of dinner table conversations and ending bar room quarrels the world over.
He is now a veteran of hundreds of live television shows and thousands of radio programs worldwide. Albert lives somewhere between Guildford in England and Bangkok in Thailand.
Red Herrings and White Elephants
Shaggy Dogs and Black Sheep
Phantom Hitchhikers
Loch Ness Monsters and Other World Mysteries
Pop Goes the Weasel
The Old Dog and Duck
What Caesar Did for my Salad
Black Sheep and Lame Ducks
It's a Wonderful Word
Money for Old Rope Part 1
Money for Old Rope Part 2
The Jam: Sounds From the Street
Want to be a Writer?
New World Order: The Bilderberg Conspiracy and the Last Man in London
Rose Versus Thistle
They Laughed at Galileo
The Greatest Generation - Diary of a 1st & 6th Airborne Paratrooper
9/11 Conspiracy
Debt Freedom Program
The Slow Death of Europe
Blue Moons and Black Markets

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