Alex R Carver

An Eye For An Eye (Inspector Stone Mysteries, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386354252
EAN 9781386354253
Veröffentlicht Mai 2017
Verlag/Hersteller ARC Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Revenge comes to Branton.
Inspector Stone's past catches up to him with blood and flames.
A series of murders rocks the small town of Branton and leaves Inspector Stone with his toughest case, one which may see him paying a tremendous personal price if he can't solve it quick enough.
At first glance the murder of the wife and mother of an Asian shopkeeper appears racially motivated, and the local paper is quick to stir up tensions within the community.
Another murder, this time the husband of a local barrister, an attack on a trio of teens, and the discovery of a previously unreported murder all lead Stone to the conclusion that something more than racism is at work.
Before he can work out what connects these seemingly unrelated events he is distracted by the most tragic of events.
Can Stone and his partner pull themselves together long enough to figure out who is responsible for bringing terror to the streets of Branton, or will the killer complete his fiendish plan and make good his escape?


After working in the clerical, warehouse and retail industries over the years, without gaining much satisfaction, Alex quit to follow his dream and become a full-time writer. Where There's A Will is the first book in the Inspector Stone Mysteries series, with more books in the series to come, as well as titles in other genres in the pipeline.
His dream is to one day earn enough to travel, with a return to Egypt to visit the parts he missed before, and Macchu Picchu, top of his wishlist of destinations.
When not writing, he is either playing a game or being distracted by Molly the Yorkie, who is greedy for both attention and whatever food is to be found. You can find out more about Alex R Carver at the following links

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