Alicia M. Beck

The Law of Fundraising, 2024 Cumulative Supplement

ebook Ausgabe. 6. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 80 Seiten
ISBN 1394244517
EAN 9781394244515
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

Auch erhältlich als:

122,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Ensure compliance with 2022 updates to state and federal regulations on fundraising
In this supplement to the newly revised Sixth Edition of The Law of Fundraising, distinguished lawyers and tax-exempt organization experts cover all changes made in 2022 to laws that apply to fundraising and philanthropy. The authors explore the administrative, tax, and constitutional implications of the latest legislation, regulation, IRS pronouncements, private letter rulings, and technical advice memoranda.
A comprehensive and authoritative blueprint of the increasingly complex tangle of federal and state regulations and legislation that govern charitable fundraising in the United States, the text is supported by a companion website containing tables, appendices, IRS examination guidelines for charitable fundraising, and other documents. The book also includes:
* Different methods of fundraising and the roles of accountants and lawyers in the fundraising process
* Proper delegation of legislative authority and the treatment of fundraising disclosures
* Major legislative proposals and new regulatory issues in areas including Internet fundraising
With national- and state-level legislative and administrative control over charitable fundraising expanding quickly, this supplement of the Sixth Edition of The Law of Fundraising is an essential reference for law firms, non-profits, and accounting firms seeking to understand and comply with updates to fundraising and philanthropy tax laws throughout calendar year 2022.

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