Amy Isan

Bomb (Ruin Outlaws MC, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781498974752
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Amy Isan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Final Ruin Outlaws MC Romance book -- BURN -- Out Now!
Ruin Outlaws MC #1
Standing on the side of the road, the fallen motorcycle bursts into flames. His dark eyes meet mine and he looks like an animal ready to devour me. The worst part? I want him to.
A woman who's about to go down a rough road...
Logan isn't my type. He's a brazen outlaw, with eyes like midnight and a fighter's hardened body. I can't help but feel uneasy when I'm around him, but with that unease comes a dark throbbing chill up my spine.
He's definitely not boring, and maybe that's why I can't stop thinking about him. Problem is, he's guarded and distant with me. I can't blame him. I did just put the President of his motorcycle club in the hospital…
A man on the edge of the law…
A woman has never challenged my loyalty to my club. Until Cassie. She's a defiant one, with a fierce attitude and a body made for sin. Somehow, whenever I look in her blue eyes, I feel like I'm going to drown.
This mess couldn't have happened at a better time. My motorcycle club needs me. With my long time friend in the hospital I need my wits about me. But how can I whip these rookies into shape with Cassie constantly on my mind? Can't I just forget about her? God knows I've done it before with weaker women.
I can't have a repeat of what happened to my crew in California. Especially if it's my fault.
From Amy Isan comes Part One of a sizzling Serial about an outlaw and the woman who dares to tame him…
Approximately 20,000 words, or about 78 pages.

#1 Bomb

#2 Spark

#3 Iron
#4 Flame
#5 Burn


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