Andrea Bellmont

Brute Alien Prince

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223223498
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Bitten Press LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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I was a prisoner in an alien world, doomed to a life of misery. I was once a humdrum secretary in Cincinnati named Julianna Stewart. My home planet, Earth, was in chaos as one alien race after another invaded it and ransacked it. We were so behind in space travel technology and found ourselves unable to fight them off.
So many humans were living a nightmare, chained to other creatures on a dark, desolate planet called Beta One, a penal colony. Caught up in the insanity of the invasion, taken and sold off like cattle, I had one hope, and he stared at me from the crowd below.
Exhausted and in pain, I managed to smile at him because he looked interested, and he raised his hand and yelled. His voice was smooth and deep, but I didn't understand a word he said. It was apparent he was haggling over the price, and finally, I heard the clang of a bell, which meant I was sold.
In a heavily accented voice, the auctioneer said, "You are sold to Prince Frade Arnory."
Did I hear correctly a Prince purchased me? The auctioneer forced me to my feet. The alien stood before me, and he was a tall, muscular brute, a multi-colored-skinned devil. He raised my chin so I could gaze into his clear amber eyes and said in English, "You belong to me now."
Nothing prepared me for the tall, bare-chested, muscled alien, nothing in this world or any other.
Adult content, hot aliens, 18 and over, please

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