BookSuma Publishing

Summary: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781386963370
Veröffentlicht Mai 2018
Verlag/Hersteller BookSuma Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - A BookSuma Book Summary
Please note that this summary of The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy is NOT the original book. This book was written and published by BookSuma and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Darren Hardy.
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy is empowering and engaging. It's full of practical advice and strategies to help us identify those areas in our own lives that could use some help and then develop action plans to grow and achieve. It turns an area (personal growth) that can sometimes feel too wishy-washy and theoretical into a systematized and concrete plan to make the changes that will best move you forward in those areas you've identified. It shows you why the little things matter and how small changes have the most incredible impact on your life.
Boiled down, Hardy's book stands for the principle that goal achievement is not a matter of some secret success formula or miracle product or expensive life coach. It's about the daily effort you put towards your goals. Small successes may seem insignificant by themselves, but they build on each other and compound over time and eventually become the big, life-changing success you seek.
The BookSuma Summary of The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy brings you the main takeaways from the book in less than half an hour! Our experts have read and extracted the most important points from The Compound Effect, distilling those key points into an easy-to-read summary for your convenience. Our passion is helping busy people maximize their time and personal growth.
Instantly download your copy and get started learning and growing!

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