Cathy Kennedy

Meeting of the Mustangs

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310122768
EAN 9781310122767
Veröffentlicht Juni 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Cathy Kennedy
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

What do an old Ford and a particular young mustang have in common?
Awarded a 5-star review by Readers' Favorite, this is the story about the beginning of life for one horse.
After losing his father shortly after birth, a young mustang growing up in the wilderness of the American west is put to the test. The struggle to survive despite nasty weather, predators, and unfortunate accidents is very real to these enduring horses. Conditions forced upon them by nature and those that come at the hands of men are very different, however. Instinct cannot always outwit the bad intentions of human beings.
Not all humans are bad, though, and sometimes the unexpected can happen. Find out how one horse and one man profoundly impact each other's lives, and decide for yourself if karma truly does exist.
A great story for almost any age, this tale will be enjoyed by animal lovers from all walks of life.


Cathy Kennedy spent the first years of her life growing up in Pennsylvania before moving to South Florida at age 17. Her book, Meeting of the Mustangs, was started during her teenage years in Pennsylvania and would not be completed until many years later.
The story of the wild mustangs is somewhat reflective of her life living in the country, where her family owned horses. She wanted to complete the book for younger readers who have a love for animals, and finally convinced herself that she should continue the story where she'd stopped writing many years before.
She currently lives in Ohio with her husband and three rescued tuxedo cats.

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