Chariss K. Walker

A Beginner's Guide to Energy Work (A Beginner's Personal Growth Series, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201593575
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Chariss K. Walker
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Enjoy a new personal growth series created just for beginners.
All of my "A Beginners Guide to" books are, as the title indicates - for beginners.
This book covers the basic information you need to know about energy work. What it is, how to use it, how to get started, and many other questions you might have as a beginner.
I receive a lot of questions from readers asking about Reiki, healing techniques, releasing trapped emotions, muscle testing, visualization, meditation, and other topics. I also talk to other practitioners and find that sometimes they do not know some of the basic information either. So, I know there are hungry people out there that want to know the basics or beginning steps. My books are for those who have not found the answers to their questions in a way that helps them.
This book explains the definition of energy and how energy works for healing practitioners, mindfulness, the importance of chakras in energy work, what to do with negative energy after it is released, and so much more!
If you've always wondered how you can get started in energy work without investing a fortune, this book is for you!


Chariss K Walker, M. Msc. B.R.A.G. Medallion and Readers' Choice award-winning author, Chariss K. Walker, M.Msc., Reiki Master/Teacher writes both fiction and nonfiction books with a metaphysical and spiritual component. Chariss is a storyteller. She doesn't use a computer program to write her books. Instead, she sits down at her keyboard and listens to her characters as they lead her through their stories. Those are the stories you read in her published books. Her fiction expresses a visionary message that illustrates growth in a character's consciousness while utilizing a paranormal aspect. Her nonfiction books share insight, hope, and inspiration. Even though Chariss also writes dark-fiction books about insanely dark topics, there is always an essential question of the abstract nature that gives a reader increasing awareness and perception. All of her books are sold worldwide in eBook, and paperback, and many are in audiobook. You can learn more about Chariss at her website:

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