Charlotte Stone

Regency Romance: A Race Against The Lord

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393005683
EAN 9781393005681
Veröffentlicht Juli 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Charlotte Stone
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Love is in the air Regency style. You will love this wonderful story because it will leave you filled with love.
Dashing dukes, lavish ladies and enough romance to fill a season. Grab this amazing value book to be swept away by dashing dukes and handsome lords.
Four inspirational regency stories. Journey with these ladies as they choose the man of their dreams and find their happy ever after.
If you're a fan of clean regency romance, you will love this book.


In a near cynical world which we are currently living in, Charlotte finds comfort in the readings of Regency Romance writings, one of her favourite would be Laura Kinsale's Flowers from the storm where the female character loves and saves the male lead character who is a stroke victim. It was such writings which inspired her to be an author herself.
In Charlotte's writings, the characters are able to see beyond the imperfections of each other and to accept and love one another, just the way one is.
Isn't this true of our inner self? To be able to find someone who is able to see the beauty in us, in spite of all imperfections we might have.
Isn't this true of what love really should be? Ever accepting, ever loving, ever seeking.
May you find love and acceptance in Charlotte's writings.

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