Christine Murphy

Road To Ravishment (The Midnight Riders Series, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224170975
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Christine Murphy
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Escaping an ancient evil was the only thing Kayla has known since she was a young child. Now grown, she has created a world of lights and music where she hides, but the darkness still finds her. Only a handsome stranger, who she dares not trust, can save her.
The moment Mace sees her perform, he knows exactly what she is – his Spirit Heart. He dares not claim her, though, for fear the Sun Goddess will destroy her. The battle against the enemy is horrific and Mace pays the price.
Without Kayla he will perish, but she refuses to lose him. Her love will be powerful and she will risk everything to save him. Not even the evil will be able to stop them from claiming each other in body, blood, and heart.


Hi, I'm Christine Murphy, romance author who is restarting her enjoyment of writing after working so many hard years. I have long enjoyed delving into new worlds and characters through my imagination and have read hundreds of books through the years, oh wait, probably thousands of books if not more. Having had quite the imagination since childhood, I decided to put all that creativity down on paper and share it with the world. I have lots of experience to pull from as I have traveled throughout the United States and locations throughout the world. Looking out my back lanai, there is a small pond where the wild-life will gather and the flowers bloom in exotic pinks and purples. This is my place of peace and freedom that I have searched for and where my husband and crazy African Gray Parrot, Raider, hang out with me. It's the place where my creativity runs wild as I spin tales of adventure and passion. I have been writing in my head since I was a teenager and I finally realized I needed to capture these unique characters, civilizations, conflict, passion, and love in writing. To capture the strong, spirited, and powerfully attracted characters and all of their adventures and share it with others who are searching for that very thing to make their lives more exciting. If I accomplish nothing else in life, I hope to share the romantically magical worlds and the lovers that I see with all of the passionate readers out there.
I can be found on Facebook at

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