Social Engineering - Christopher Hadnagy

Christopher Hadnagy

Social Engineering

The Science of Human Hacking. 2. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 9.
pdf eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1119433738
EAN 9781119433736
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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Harden the human firewall against the most current threats
Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking reveals the craftier side of the hacker's repertoire--why hack into something when you could just ask for access? Undetectable by firewalls and antivirus software, social engineering relies on human fault to gain access to sensitive spaces; in this book, renowned expert Christopher Hadnagy explains the most commonly-used techniques that fool even the most robust security personnel, and shows you how these techniques have been used in the past. The way that we make decisions as humans affects everything from our emotions to our security. Hackers, since the beginning of time, have figured out ways to exploit that decision making process and get you to take an action not in your best interest. This new Second Edition has been updated with the most current methods used by sharing stories, examples, and scientific study behind how those decisions are exploited.
Networks and systems can be hacked, but they can also be protected; when the "system" in question is a human being, there is no software to fall back on, no hardware upgrade, no code that can lock information down indefinitely. Human nature and emotion is the secret weapon of the malicious social engineering, and this book shows you how to recognize, predict, and prevent this type of manipulation by taking you inside the social engineer's bag of tricks.
* Examine the most common social engineering tricks used to gain access
* Discover which popular techniques generally don't work in the real world
* Examine how our understanding of the science behind emotions and decisions can be used by social engineers
* Learn how social engineering factors into some of the biggest recent headlines
* Learn how to use these skills as a professional social engineer and secure your company
* Adopt effective counter-measures to keep hackers at bay
By working from the social engineer's playbook, you gain the advantage of foresight that can help you protect yourself and others from even their best efforts. Social Engineering gives you the inside information you need to mount an unshakeable defense.


CHRISTOPHER HADNAGY is the CEO and Chief Human Hacker of Social-Engineer, LLC as well as the lead developer and creator of the world's first social engineering framework found at He is the founder and creator of the Social Engineering Village (SEVillage) at DEF CON and DerbyCon,as well as the creator
of the popular Social Engineering Capture the Flag (SECTF). He is a sought-after
speaker and trainer and even has debriefed the Pentagon on these topics. He
can be found tweeting at @humanhacker.


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