Dave Johnston

Stop Beating Yourself Up! How To Play Your Best Golf Despite Years of Lessons (Just Hit The Damn Ball!, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781386033837
Veröffentlicht März 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Just Hit The Damn Ball!
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Readers Favorite Award Winner!
"While this book focuses on the art of playing golf, it has powerful lessons for personal and professional growth.
A highly recommended tool for golf fans." Romuald Dzemo (Readers Favorite Review)
How long have you played the game?
Are you constantly improving or riding a rollercoaster of inconsistency year after year?
The biggest roadblock to improvement for the mid to high handicap golfer isn't a lack of knowledge.
If you've ever hit a perfect shot, then you already know what to do!
The key to consistently playing to the best of your ability is to stop beating yourself up after a poor shot.
Your beliefs are the key to scoring in the eighties consistently.
Based on results from over eleven-thousand lessons with "average" golfers, this easy-to-read series of seven conversations follows the trials of
a frustrated student who turns to an iconoclast instructor as a last resort.
Have you heard the axiom that golf is ninety-percent mental? How can you apply the concept to elevate your game?
The tendency to beat yourself up is based on your beliefs about formal instruction, the value of practice and the definition of consistency.
Golf is a game feel.
The "secret" to feeling good about yourself is accepting the fact that your swing is the result of how you feel at any given moment.
When you learn how to "program" confidence, then you have the recipe for taking your game to a whole new level!
Based on principles introduced in the landmark book The Inner Game of Golf by Timothy Gallwey, you will discover the essence of the game
that lies beyond swing mechanics.
Have you ever had the feeling that your score is not a reflection of your ability?
Every wonder why all the great results on the practice range completely vanish on the golf course?
If these questions have crossed your mind, then get ready to discover your true potential!


B.A., Psychology, York University,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Director of Golf Instruction
Bloomington Downs Golf Centre
Author: Just Hit The Damn Ball! series
Creator DIY Golf programs on Udemy:
Your Perfect Golf Swing and Beyond, How To Fix Your Golf Slice Forever!
Youtube channel: DaveJohnstonGolf
Platinum Level Contributor to Ezine Articles.com

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