Diane Kelly

Dead in the Doorway

A House-Flipper Mystery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1250197465
EAN 9781250197467
Veröffentlicht März 2020
Verlag/Hersteller St. Martin's Paperbacks

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Dead in the Doorway is the second in a delightful cozy series from Diane Kelly set in Nashville-where the real estate market is to die for.
Whitney Whitaker has scored the perfect piece of real estate: a ramshackle white Colonial at the top of a hill with views of downtown Nashville. What more could a self-taught home-improvement maven and occasional house-flipper ask for? Ideally, the property of Whitney's dreams would not have come with a dead body blocking the entrance to the foyer. But Whitney, always quick to take heavy-duty matters into her own hands, also happens to be a skilled amateur sleuth. So that helps.
Who is this older woman-and how did her corpse end up at the bottom of the staircase of this locked, unoccupied house? That is what Whitney, along with the support of her wood-working cousin Buck, Detective Collin Flynn, and, of course, feline partner-in-crime Sawdust, intends to find out. Her friendly-neighbor investigation takes a sharp turn, however, when Whitney discovers that the house's former owner was a gourmet baker whose secret recipe for peach pie was to die for-perhaps literally. Now it's up to Whitney to learn the truth about what happened before she loses this killer real-estate deal . . . and the killer comes knocking at her door.
"Adorable...Whitney and Sawdust are a welcome addition to your home and bookshelf."-Kellye Garrett, Anthony, Agatha, and Lefty Award--winning author of the Hollywood Homicide series


Diane Kelly

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