Eldon Taylor

Choices and Illusions

How Did I Get Where I Am, and How Do I Get Where I Want to Be?. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 254 Seiten
ISBN 1401944663
EAN 9781401944667
Veröffentlicht September 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Hay House Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Revised edition with five new chapters! Plus, a secure link to the FREE InnerTalk® audio!
This fascinating book holds an important key. Whether you're interested in the science of thinking and beliefs, how your own mind operates, how others control your thoughts, why things just don't work out for you, how you can create the life you've always wanted, how you can realize your true potential, how you can find peace, or, on a grander scale, how you can help make the world a better place, this book provides insights for all. Simply reading it will open your eyes to new worlds of possibilities. You'll change once you're exposed to the illusions most live under and by, and putting into practice any of these very simple teachings will open the door for you to achieve your highest potential.
Choices and Illusions tells the story of one man's journey into the workings of the human mind and our reason for being. The adventure is every bit as exciting as the best scientific discoveries. Eldon Taylor's approach is pragmatic, and his conclusions are inspirational and soul enhancing. Along the journey, you'll hear fantastic stories of divine intervention, see why you think and do what you don't wish to do, and understand the very clear message that it's never too late to be happy and succeed, regardless of your past actions.
Eldon says, "Many believe that self-help and self-improvement is about rags to riches, failure to success, and so forth, when indeed it's the beginning of a journey into self-discovery. Inside every human being is an eternal truth and a life purpose. Using our mind power is simply starting the engine on that path toward highest self-actualization."


Eldon Taylor is an award-winning New York Times best-selling author of more than 300 books and audio and video programs. His most recent works include Mind Programming, What Does That Mean?, What If?, I Believe, and Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology. Eldon is also the inventor of the patented InnerTalk technology and the founder and president of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc. He has been featured as an expert in films, print, television, and radio. He has been called a "master of the mind" and has appeared as an expert witness on both hypnosis and subliminal communication. His books and audio-video materials have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have sold millions worldwide. Website: www.eldontaylor.com

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