Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan

Frommer's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

ebook Ausgabe. 10. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1628875003
EAN 9781628875003
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller FrommerMedia
18,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Frommer's guidebooks, unlike those of many of our competitors, are written by local experts (not outsiders)-like Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan, a Montana resident, naturalist, and noted travel journalist. In this handy, pocket-size book, she'll help you sort through all the options at these storied national parks so you can tailor an adventure that's right for you.
This guide contains:
· Insider advice on the best ways to experience some of the country's most dazzling natural landscapes, including tips on the best views, the best backcountry trails, the best scenic drives, and the best activities outside of the parks
· Insightful commentary on park landmarks and specific trails, from the majestic Old Faithful Geyser to the iconic multicolored Mammoth Hot Springs to the solitary Signal Mountain Summit Trail
· Detailed practical information, including tips on safety, advice for beginning backpackers, and when and where to go to avoid crowds
· Opinionated write-ups of hotels, campgrounds, and restaurants-no bland descriptions or lukewarm recommendations here
· Exact prices listed for every business and activity, so there's no guessing or nasty surprises
· Helpful maps throughout
· Large, easy-to-read fonts but thin paper, so the book isn't too heavy to carry
· Planning tips for getting there, getting around, saving money, and getting the most from your trip
About Frommer's: There's a reason that Frommer's has been the most trusted name in travel for more than 60 years. Arthur Frommer created the bestselling guide series in 1957 to help American service members fulfill their dreams of travel in Europe. Since then, we have published thousands of titles, becoming a household name by helping millions upon millions of people realize their own dreams of seeing our planet. Travel is easy with Frommer's.


Elisabeth Kwak- Hefferan is a freelance writer and editor who specializes in the outdoors, environment, travel, health, food, culture, and science. Her work has appeared in Backpacker, Grist, Organic Life, Women's Adventure, 5280 (Denver's city magazine), and more.
She is Backpacker's Rocky Mountain Editor and a contributing writer for Grist.org. Elisabeth lives in Missoula, Montana, where the spectacular natural beauty is second in renown only to the staggeringly high craft brewery-per-capita ratio (beer of choice: Kettlehouse Cold Smoke, if you're buying).

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