Emory Keller

Every Trick in the Spellbook (The Segmimn's School of Sorcery Paranormal Cozy Mysteries, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
Veröffentlicht März 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Emory Keller
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In the mystical mountain town of Shadows Bluff, California, Astrid Saunders is the most beloved professor at Segmimn's School of Sorcery. She manages to champion students and teachers alike while deftly keeping herself out of the spotlight.
But when her childhood friend-turned-rival, Claudia, is charged with murder, Astrid can't shake the feeling she didn't do it, and no matter how badly she'd like to see Claudia eat a slice of humble pie, she just can't walk away.
All the clues point to Claudia, but something isn't right. There are too many secrets surrounding the people involved, and those people go too high up for Astrid to be content with simple answers.
She's going to prove Claudia was framed because if she can't, Segmimn's will be forced to close its doors for good, and Astrid will lose the closest family she's ever known.
With so much at stake, it's going to take everyone working together to solve the puzzle. Rag-tag students, a cranky old sorceress, and even Astrid's intuitive dog find a way to help. The detective assigned to the case is trying to keep it professional despite the chemistry he feels with Astrid.
And Astrid, well, she's in the middle⏤the reluctant champion of a fight she didn't choose but one she can't afford to lose.
"Speaking up for a spoiled princess will put all eyes on me and right in the middle of all the drama. But I'm fed up with fate having the upper hand. Time to tip the scales!"

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