Evan Flisar

My Father's Dreams

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 1908236566
EAN 9781908236562
Veröffentlicht Mai 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Istros Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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My Father's Dreams is a controversial and shocking novel by Slovenia's bestselling author Evald Flisar, and is regarded by many critics as his best. The book tells the story of fourteen-year-old Adam, the only son of a village doctor and his quiet wife, living in apparent rural harmony. But this is a topsy-turvy world of illusions and hopes, in which the author plays with the function of dreaming and story-telling to present the reader with an eccentric 'bildungsroman' in reverse. Spiced with unusual and original overtones of the grotesque, the history of an insidious deception is revealed, in which the unsuspecting son and his mother will be the apparent victims; and yet who can tell whether the gruesome end is reality or just another dream. This is a novel that can be read as an off-beat crime story, a psychological horror tale, a dream-like morality fable, or as a dark and ironic account of one man's belief that his personality and his actions are two different things. My Father's Dreams can also be read as a story about a boy who has been robbed of his childhood in the cruelest way.

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