Gillian Godden

The Street

The start of a BRAND NEW gripping gangland series from Gillian Godden for 2024. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1835614612
EAN 9781835614617
Veröffentlicht 19. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Boldwood Books
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A BRAND NEW Gangland Series from Gillian Godden - Meet The Silvas...
A new start. A deadly past...
As the new owners of the local village pub, Alex and Maggie Silva and their two children, are the picture of respectability...but looks can be deceptive.
Because the Silva family is keeping deadly secrets.
Alex Silva is a man with a dark past and a bounty on his head - one he knows will only be paid with his life. He'll do anything to protect Maggie and the kids, but one wrong move could cost them everything...
As they settle into suburban life, Alex hopes that by hiding in plain sight his past demons won't return with a vengeance. But as he watches and waits, he realizes that behind closed doors, the residents of this street are keeping dark secrets of their own.
Secrets that could be deadly. And the Silva family have more to lose than most...
Praise for Gillian Godden:
'A gritty powerful story. A must read for fans of gangland crime' Bestselling author Kerry Kaya
'The characters were so real I'm still looking over my shoulder!' Bestselling author Owen Mullen
'Exciting, breathtaking and absolutely fantastic' ----- Reader Review
'If you are looking for a great gangland, family drama series these books are for you!' ----- Reader Review
'A fast and rivetting book that will keep you burning the midnight oil!! Highly recommended' ----- Reader Review


Gillian Godden is a brilliantly reviewed writer of gangland fiction as well as a full-time NHS Key Worker in Hull. She lived in London for over thirty years, where she sets her thrillers, and during this time worked in various stripper pubs and venues which have inspired her stories.

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